Published data support the potential beneficial effects of dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and phytopharmaceuticals on central and peripheral nervous system pathology. Data on the neuroprotective effects of such compounds have been reported for multiple disease conditions including neurodegenerative and cognition disorders, Alzheimer's disease (AD), ischemic injury associated with stroke and trauma, neurotoxicity, and primary or metastatic cancer. Neurodegenerative diseases are a broad spectrum of diseases characterized by functional or sensory impairment of the central and/or peripheral nervous system. Numerous fruits have been reported to have potential impact on brain degenerative diseases. There are numerous reports that dietary supplements of plant and fruit origin, such as figs, may impact the development of AD. There are continuous research efforts to develop dietary supplementation that may positively impact vascular injury associated with ischemic damage and subsequent neurodegeneration and nervous system pathology. Mechanisms of neuroprotection include antioxidative effects observable with the administration of polyphenols.