Castor as an oil crop has gained importance in the global market, with its demand increasing annually by 3"-5". Castor is basically a long-day plant, but it is adaptable to various photoperiods and pH values. The castor seed has warty appendages called 'caruncle', which is a type of elaiosome. Castor oil is composed of 0.7" moisture, 48.8" fat, 7.2" protein, 11.6" carbohydrates, and 10.6" ash. Before extraction, castor seeds are processed to get the maximum yield of quality oil. Generally, the color of castor oil is determined by using a lovibund tintometer and half-inch cell. Castor oil stimulates the lymphatic system and strengthens the immune system by increasing white blood cells (WBCs) that help fight against infections, because oil increases the count of T-11 cells and production of lymphocytes in the blood and initiates more antibodies, as well as kills bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even cancer cells. For extracting castor oil of reasonably high quality, heathy seeds are needed.