Ayurveda, the science of life, comes from the Vedic tradition and is based on the six philosophies of life, which arise from the ancient scriptures and knowledge of the sages of India. The structural aspects of the human body are derived from five basic elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The five elements govern the structural aspects of the human body, but the functional aspects are governed by the three energies or organizations called vata, pitta, and kapha. The human anatomy is comprised of seven bodily tissues, called dhatus. These are rasa, rakta, mamsa, meda, asthi, majja, and either shukra or artava. Marma point therapy is of particular use in the first stages of management yet is helpful at almost any stage of illness. Prakruti or constitution is an individual's unique, psycho-physiological expression or nature. Self-healing occurs at every moment, by understanding the role of the doshas, their changes, and the flow of time.