This chapter describes the investigations, premedication, invasive lines and monitors of the occipital encephalocele. It also describes the induction, intravenous fluids, reversal or elective mechanical ventilation and postoperative analgesia of the occipital encephalocele. The chapter discusses the goals of anesthesia to safely secure the airway, to maintain hemodynamic stability and normothermia and to facilitate rapid and smooth emergence from anesthesia. It explains the electrocardiography (ECG), pulse oximetry (SpO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2), noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP), intra-arterial pressure (IAP), urinary catheter and temperature. The chapter focuses on the drugs like rectal paracetamol, perioperative antibiotic and antiemetic prophylaxis. It also discusses the intraoperative concerns like hemodynamic instability—bradycardia may be noted commonly, hypothermia, respiratory complications, dislodgement of endotracheal tube (ETT), invasive lines and complications related to positioning. The chapter also explains the postoperative concerns like respiratory complications, hemodynamic instability, seizures and hydrocephalus.