Reaction Automata Direct Graph (RADG) depends on random characteristics; keyless, static internal design; and use in a personal network. This chapter develops the RADG design to be more secure in wide area networks such as the cognitive radio network (CRN). The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) transition function is used in RADG and converts the cipher text into a point in specific elliptic curve (EC). RSA was one of the first public key cryptography using a public key for encryption and deferent key (private key) for decryption. It is based on two prime numbers and their product before encryption in RSA. The modern public key algorithm is the EC. The new algorithm based on RADG design contains three parts: reaction states, Q states, and jump states. The RADG algorithm and Multi-Reaction Automata Direct Graph (MRADG) have an important characteristic: they produce random cipher texts in several exactions to same plaintext to find the relation between the variance cipher texts.