The development of database management system (DBMS) helped to fully achieve data independence providing centralized controlled data maintenance and access. Not only structured query language (NoSQL) is a relatively new DBMS technology for handling large amounts of unstructured data that does not come in a predefined format. Relational DBMSs are compliant with the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, but NoSQL follows a different approach, that is, CAP theorem laid down by Eric Brewers. Each database server in the distributed database is managed by its local DBMS, and each cooperates to preserve the consistency of the global database. The basic standard employed by parallel DBMS is to partition the data across multiple nodes, in order to amplify performance through parallelism and availability of data through replication mechanism. Distributed processing on DBMSs is a proficient approach of progressing performance of applications that manipulate outsized dimensions of data.