This chapter discusses the knowledge on how kimchi Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) can influence host physiology and their potential therapeutic use in alleviating imbalances in the host's metabolism. A number of studies have shown that kimchi LAB produce antimicrobial compounds against various fungi and reported that LAB isolated from kimchi possess immunomodulatory effects in various immunological settings. Kimchi LAB possessing anti-inflammatory activity have been successfully applied for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease as they are capable of enhancing the frequency and function of Tregs, which then suppress hypersensitive immune responses. Kimchi is a traditional Korean vegetable product that is naturally fermented by various LAB present in its raw materials and fermented for a certain period of time at ambient temperature. The physiological effects of kimchi LAB have been extensively studied. Kimchi LAB exhibited antitumor, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, kimchi LAB are capable of producing bioactive compounds such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and degrading insecticides.