This chapter discusses the clinically relevant aspects of parasitology investigations. Particular emphasis has been given to create awareness about the correct approaches, starting from the collection and transport of the specimens to the final understanding of the results. All the major specimens and parasitological techniques have been discussed in adequate detail keeping in mind the requirements of present and future health care workers. At the same time care has been taken to not to make it too exhaustive so that its purpose of being a good bedside resource for the clinicians is not lost. The chapter addresses the needs of a clinician by providing guidance to achieving appropriate tests, how to perform certain simple investigations at bed-side and what information can he expected to be gained from an investigation. Laboratory personnel dealing with parasitology investigations can benefit from the techniques that have been presented in a simplified manner while also explaining the rationale of certain key steps. The aim is also to improve the communication and understanding between the clinicians and the laboratory personnel that can ultimately improve patient outcomes.