Different types of techniques have been used for characterizing various nanomaterials, such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). For the characterization of nanomaterials, researchers exploited these imaging techniques to prove their results. The chapter emphasizes on the principle, parameters, and disadvantages of various characterization techniques. Extraordinary topographic features such as volume, height, size, shape, aspect ratio, and particle surface morphology can be studied with atomic force microscopy (AFM). Both SEM and AFM techniques are employed for the investigation of surface topography, but SEM is best for chemical composition while AFM is best for mechanical properties of a sample. For rough surfaces, the contact approach of AFM is preferred, while for soft samples, the tapping or non-contact approach of AFM is preferred. SEM and TEM illustrate two-dimensional view of nanomaterials, while AFM depicts three-dimensional views.