This chapter introduces the basic principles of Raman spectroscopy, its application in the field of forensic fibre examinations and what sample, instrument and data interpretation factors the forensic fibre examiner will need to take into consideration. In order to understand the benefits of Raman spectroscopy in the analysis of fibre dyes and pigments it is necessary to understand the technique. The forensic fibre examiner will need to make several practical choices in relation to instrumentation, sample presentation and data handling prior to commencing analysis. The necessity of quality monochromatic radiation for effective Raman scattering coupled with their limited lifetime means that laser/s can be quite expensive. While analysing a fibre in an unmounted condition produces unimpeded results it does introduce an additional step of demounting a fibre before Raman analysis. The fact that fibre polymers are weak Raman scatterers means that this technique is excellent for examining dyes and pigments without the need for extraction.