This chapter reviews the existing analytical denting models and the design requirements for tubes to resist excessive local indentation. To maximize energy absorption capacity of braces/legs, local indentation should be limited to a small value because of significant degradation effect of local indentation on the bending capacity of tubes. Many researchers have studied the indentation resistance of tubular members subjected to lateral impacts. Tubular members are widely used in offshore jacket and jack-up platforms. C. G. Soares and T. H. Soreide proposed an analytical solution for beam deformation of tubular members considering the interaction between bending moment and axial membrane forces, and local denting is assumed small and negligible. The transition indentation in the numerical simulations is defined as the indentation where the nodes on the rear side of the tube move with a velocity of no less than 10% of the ship rigid motion velocity and deform continuously afterwards with the same or larger speed.