180Research activity on mycotoxins of major concern to human health (aflatoxins (AFB), deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisins, ochratoxins (OTA)) in recent years has emphasized mechanisms of action, mitigation strategies, and novel detection methods. Risk assessment of these mycotoxins is not well studied. DON exposure may be of somewhat more concern than the other three mycotoxins, although some world regions have much greater concern for AFB exposure than other regions. Metabolism of AFB, DON, and OTA may be modifiable in humans, and for DON, in plants. Microbial detoxification of mycotoxins holds some promise for toxin mitigation. Development of mycotoxin-resistant food crop species is ongoing, as well as work on “green” technologies emphasizing biocontrol of mycotoxins. Food system resource managers should carefully consider enhancing efforts to monitor and control mycotoxins.