The article describes some methods, procedures and styles of airport logistics management appropriate for the international airports of Slovak republic. They are described in several categories that can be broken down to simple questions. Who controls? Who are decision makers in airport logistics management (single person makes the decision, team decision, collective decision)? By what means the control is carried out? Which are predo minantmeans ofcontrol? Means that are, or should be, applied more extensively than others (material means, conceptual means, organizational means, informational means and ideological means). According to what is management carried out? Which are various types (by objectives, by models, by occasion, by decision, by function, by project, by rules), forms and styles of management? What practices do we distinguish by the nature, priorities and orientation (preventive management, corrective management, intensive management, process-based management, expansive management, conceptual management, strategic and tactical control, operational management)?