The aim of the paper is to investigate if gender and personality traits influence self-perceived innovativeness. There are two versions of the dependent variable used—innovativeness in the eyes of others, and innovativeness in one’s own opinion. Big Five Inventory-10 is used to measure personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism. The research was conducted in Slovakia using a paper-based questionnaire which contained 10 statements. This paper is a replication of a previous study conducted in Denmark. According to the findings, neuroticism and openness to experience have impact on self-perceived innovativeness in the eyes of others, while in previous study, conscientiousness influences self-perceived innovativeness in the eyes of others. Openness to experience influences self-perceived innovativeness in one’s own opinion in both researches. In this research, agreeableness and neuroticism have significant influence, too.