Stem cells remain the Holy Grail of regenerative medicine, due to their limitless ability to divide and proliferate in order to regenerate or repair any organ. Because embryonic stem cells can proliferate without limit and may contribute to any cell type, hESCs offer an unprecedented supply of human cells for transplantation or in basic research seeking to test and improve the safety and efficacy of human drugs. Since PRP is from an autologous source, it is tolerated well but large controlled clinical trials are still lacking to demonstrate its clinical efficacy. Since the discovery of EGF, growth factor therapy has progressed into clinical practice for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds. The exosomes can be derived from multiple cell sources, and they can regulate various effector cells. So far, the exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells, keratinocytes, endothelial cells, immune cells, and bodily fluids were found to have wound-healing abilities through different mechanisms.