Male attractiveness can be improved by accentuating male facial characteristics. As high testosterone levels will increase muscular volume, a well-developed masseter muscle is associated with masculinity and male attractiveness. When injecting at the periosteum with a sharp needle with perpendicular orientation to the bone, the product will be positioned intramuscularly due to product backflow. A cannula technique will result in product positioning mainly on the periosteum. The facial artery runs over the periosteum just anterior of the masseter muscle, and may have a curve that runs over the masseter muscle. The parotid gland is located sub-SMAS and lies over the masseter muscle. As a sharp needle on the periosteum will result in backflow of product through the needle trajectory, limited amounts of calcium hydroxylapatite should be injected to minimize risk of intravascular and intraglandular injection. Product injected on the periosteum may end up intramuscularly, especially when injecting with a sharp needle.