Problem solving, creativity and team working are very important skills, yet TVET student teachers’ capability on those skills is low. The purpose of this research was to develop instructional model that able to improve those skills. The problem solving concept was developed using a combination of Polya’s theory and expert-novice theory. Creativity concept was developed based on an inside-box theory integrated with Piirto’s creativity system. Team working concept was developed based on sociotechni-cal approach in cooperated with co-creation. Instructional model was developed based on project-based learning. The instructional model was developed using 4-D method. Quasi experiment used to test the instructional model. The research was conducted at Faculty of Engineering-State University of Surabaya in 2014–2015, with 126 students participated. The result shows by using the instructional model developed, student’s score on problem solving: 3.26, creativity: 3.12 and team working: 3.65. On the other hand score on problem understanding aspect: 2.84, originality aspect: 2.98, commitment to team success and shared goals: 2.91 and commitment to team processes, leadership and accountability: 2.97. The research shows that the instructional model can increase problem solving, creativity and team working skills, but it needs to be improved so that can to increase students’ capability in problem understanding, originality, commitment to team success and shared goals and commitment to team processes, leadership and accountability aspects.