The existence of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) requires educational institutions to improve the competences of their graduates as professional teachers. The Agro-Industry Technology Education Study Program at UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) is a pioneer of agro-industry vocational teacher education institutions in Indonesia. Therefore, the program needs to establish a variety of strategies to create graduates who are ready to compete in the AEC era. This study aims to compile graduate profiles and learning outcomes of the Agro-Industry Technology Education Study Program in order to improve the competences of vocational teacher candidates. The data was collected through interviews, documentary studies, and focus group discussions. The data was analyzed using a qualitative approach. The results showed that (1) the agro-industry technology education graduate profile represented vocational teachers or professionals in technological processing of agricultural products, professional researchers in technological processing of agricultural products, and entrepreneurs in technological processing of agricultural products; (2) Learning outcomes comprised of the ability to apply science and technology, the mastery of theoretical concepts and practical technology education processing of agricultural products, the ability to take strategic decisions in problem-solving in the agricultural processing technology field, the responsibility in work, and good attitude to achieving organizational goals.