This chapter highlights selected dried fruits and their potential for osteoprotection. Research suggests that the beneficial effects of prunes on bone are exclusive to the dried version of the plum fruits. Many animal and epidemiological studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of fruits, both fresh and dried, on a number of chronic diseases. Figs, which are often consumed in their dried form, are particularly rich in vitamin K, manganese, copper, and phenolic acids. Dried apricots are also a good source of vitamin E, potassium, copper, and manganese. Research on dried apricots with regard to bone health is limited. Dates, which are most commonly eaten in their dried form, are a good source of copper, potassium, and manganese, which may contribute potential bone-protective effects. The findings from numerous studies looking at the osteoprotective effects of prunes compared to other fresh and dried fruits largely suggest that prunes are the most effective.