This chapter focuses on container terminals as highly efficient port interfaces in the global network of containerised maritime freight transport. It provides some basics on container terminals, including their structure and operational aspects. Depending on the use of technical and human resources, container terminals facilitate three different forms of service integration: They interlink liner shipping services with inland transport services (inlandServices), liner shipping services among themselves or both. Taking into consideration that facilities are characterised in part by considerable differences in their container flows and transport services, the chapter distinguishes between three types of container terminals at seaports: pure transhipment terminal (Trans terminal); combined transhipment and gateway terminal (TransGate terminal) and pure gateway terminal (Gate terminal). Trans terminals exclusively deal with transhipment containers and provide no or insufficient access to the port hinterland. TransGate terminals handle domestic containers with destinations in the port hinterland. Gate terminals represent gateways and exclusively facilitate the exchange of domestic containers between inlandServices and mainServices/feederServices.