This chapter gives the case studies of full-scale constructed wetland systems, which have been pragmatically defined as constructed wetlands with a surface area exceeding 100m 2. Abou-Elela and Hellal (2012) report on another full-scale application of a vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland for treating municipal wastewater near Cairo. In a country-by-country literature search, 49 peer-reviewed publications were identified which considered constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in one or another African country. The Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland Project is a large constructed wetland system located in Egypt, approximately 15 km south-west of Port Said. Constructed wetlands, known as relatively cheap, robust, and easy- to-maintain wastewater treatment technologies, have been reported by various authors as suitable and sustainable sanitation technologies for developing countries. One of the better-known constructed wetlands in Africa is the Splash-Carnivore system, just south of Nairobi, treating about 80 m3 d-1 of wastewater from the two eponymous restaurants.