The city of Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, Indonesia, has many of bridges, but it seems that the government is not paying attention to the data archieve of the bridges in a proper way. Yet, archiving is very important since doing in a good way will give positive benefits to the societies. In 2009, Padang was hit by a massive earthquake that caused so much structural damage to infrastructure, including bridges. After almost ten years of the earthquake, bridges condition in Padang were analyzed by using two methods, BMS 1993 (Indonesian Provisions) and FHWA (USA). This paper describes the condition of the bridges in Padang City after 8 years of the 7,9 Richter Scale shocking earthquake so that it can be determined whether it needs to give retrofitting or not to the bridges by priority scale. Three main bridges in Padang City were screening and analyzed using FHWA, namely Simpang Haru Bridge; Kuranji Bridge; and Marapalam Bridge. The results show that although by visually assessment with BMS Standard the condition of the bridges are good enough, using FHWA procedure finds that Marapalam Bridge has the highest priority to be retrofitted.