This paper offers a damage identification and structural effect evaluation thought based on health monitoring system for large-scale bridge structures. By analyzing the sensitivity of response to traffic load, the concept and building method of categorized traffic are introduced, which categorizes the traffic into light class and heavy class on statistical periods, and the loading response of heavy class in the evaluation of structural response is prioritized. Th is concept of categorized traffic can be seen as a new understanding method for traffic flow loading and tr affic characteristics. And it provides a new perspective to m easure the traffic with different dim ensions, which can bring convenience to br idge structure assessm ent. Then parameter characteristics and relativity of categorized traffic are counted to set the parameters and building forms of response evaluation model of categorized traffic. This paper endeavors to tr ansfer the target of the system evaluation from safety to perform ance based on the practical application of the system and aim s to improve the monitoring sensibility and propose new insi ght for its development via real-time corresponding between response data and load data over a synchronized period.