Many people can live decades longer and well into old age, but must be more health conscious to offset negative consequences from antiretroviral therapy (ART) side effects. Exercise has shown to have positive impacts on health across all populations, regardless of disease or health status, on both psychological and physiological outcomes. Statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control indicate that the number of new HIV cases reported within the United States declined by 10% between 2010 and 2014. The widespread use of ART has successfully increased the lifespan of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), with AIDS-related deaths declining annually. PLWHA are burdened with multiple psychosocial stressors at all stages of illness. A level of distress is experienced when symptoms are present, and emerging data have shown a negative impact of psychological distress on HIV disease progression. Investigations conducted prior to widespread use of ART compared the effects of aerobic exercise on psychological components, such as depression and anxiety.