Food supply is a primary issue for people around the world. Increasing demand for food has been anticipated by the production of various foodstuffs. The livestock sector is a substantial source of nutrients for human consumption. In Japan, total production of animal waste in 2015 was 83 million tons. Problems associated with waste from animal husbandry are, safety, financial and environmental. Huge amounts of solid wastes from animal husbandry result in odor problems that can lead to complaints from neighbors and other people. Composting is a simple and energy efficient way to solve this problem. Composting system technology is required to support “sustainable agricultural production” and “smart agricultural production” in agricultural ecosystems. However, the main problem is the practical application of these technologies. This chapter focuses on the function and mechanism of aeration for process optimization. Because composting systems are not uniform in degradation and material temperature, information on the degradation of materials within forced aeration composting is very useful for practical operation.