Coffee is one of the important commodities in the world's economy. Indeed, the coffee trees grow in tropical climate and Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora species are those used in the preparation of the drink which is one of the most consumed in the world. Coffee is a perennial plant belonging to the Rubiaceae Coffea family. The coffee plant requires a warm and humid weather such as in tropical or sub-tropical regions. The Arabica coffee is considered as the top level coffee, with its aroma, smoothness and softness. Arabica coffee typically undergoes a wet preparation, with the exception of most of the production from Brazil and Ethiopia, which are obtained by dry process. "Coffee fermentation" usually refers to the demucilagination process from which the "washed" coffee is obtained. A fermentation step, so called "natural fermentation", can also occur during the dry process as long as the moisture of the coffee beans allows it.