The last several years have brought about significant legislative changes that directly impact bridge inspection and management for ownesr across the United States, with a fresh, new emphasis on risk-based management and new performance measures. Agencies across the U.S. are updating their inspection and management strategic plans while also looking more specifically at how to leverage technological improvements available on the market. In light of the new regulatory requirements, increased public attention on infrastructure, and constantly changing management strategies and needs, many of these agencies are in the process of implementing new software solutions which directly help them to meet these goals. The solutions include improving the ability to enhance the quality of data inputs, collect inspection data on any type of inspection, and generate extensive management performance reporting. The technology solutions, while tailored for each state’s unique requirements, are all configured to provide a one-stop online location for comprehensive data collection and management of all bridge and culvert condition and maintenance information across each entire agency. These solutions are also highly configured to include state-specific elements, new risk-based procedures, full storage of documents and file, and full searching of all data inputs. All users then have their own permissions and are able to access the data and relevant reports by logging into the online site while also collecting data using mobile solutions (iPads, tablets, etc). The configured solutions also allow for multiple personnel at one bridge site to collect condition data at various bridge parts or elements, and generate one overall inspection report directly from their separate inputs. Closely tied to the condition reporting is the overview of overall bridge conditions and electronic files. The configured system is a one-stop repository to manage hundreds or thousands of photographs, audio files, video files, and other electronic resources. The solution is truly the one-stop bridge information online location and will also closely integrate with the new AASHTOWare Bridge Management (Pontis) 5.2 software with multi-objective analysis and updated deterioration modeling. A wide variety of mobile solutions are available to collect data more efficiently and streamline the entire reporting process. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315207681/cd556cd4-4dcf-4efe-8e29-56fc67b8bfbd/content/fig234_1.jpg"/>