The aim of the research is to determine the levels of IFNα macrophages and fibronectin fibroblast after adding S. aureus and L. plantarum. The research used rat peritoneal macrophages and fibroblast dermal cell cultures. Heat killed S. aureus and L. plantarum was made a suspension at dosages of 106, 107, 108 cells/mL. The macrophages was exposed to SA for 6 hours, continued with SALP treatment, and LP for 24 hours, and then supernatant was separated for treatment in fibroblast for 24 hours before measured by ELISA. The data was analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan MRT at a CI of 95%. In general, SA exposure increased IFNα and fibronectin (p < 0,000) greater than LP, while LP exposure decreased fibronectin in proportion to the increases in dosage. It could be concluded that high dose S.aureus increased fibronectin greater than L. plantarum. Both S. aureus and L. plantarum increased IFNα. Conversely, exposures of S.aureus with L. plantarum simultaneously decreased it.

Keywords: immunomodulator, IFNα, fibronectin, L. plantarum, S.aureus