Nano techno logy deals with the structures, properties, and processes involving materials having organizational features on the scale of 1–300 nm. At this scale, devices lead to enhanced performance, sensitivity, and reliability with dramatically decreased size. One of the vibrational spectroscopy techniques commonly used for the identification of chemical structure is Raman spectroscopy, which is based on Raman scattering. It is a vital spectroscopic tool that has been conventionally used to analyze the chemical structure and conformation at micron scale. The spatial resolution of conventional magnetic resonance imaging and localized nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is limited to 0.1 mm and can be enhanced down to a few micrometers. The combination of magnetic resonance force microscopy with high-resolution NMR spectroscopy holds great promises. NMR spectroscopy can benefit from the high sensitivity of mechanical detection to investigate the molecular structure of very small objects.