This chapter presents three different applications of Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) for the modeling of environmental systems. It also presents a DEVS implementation of Lagrange motion of particles. The first application is a use of cellular automata to simulate the dynamics of insects. Next, an agent-based method is selected for a simulation of the spread of drifting algae in the China Sea followed by a stochastic inverse-simulation of originating area of the same species. The chapter also presents a front tracking method applied to forest fire propagation. The chapter presents the use of a DEVS defined model of particle tracking of drifting seaweeds. Environmental science is devoted to the study of environmental systems, an inherently multidisciplinary science that is usually composed of four main disciplines: Atmospheric Science, Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, and Geosciences. Simulation is a tool used by environmental scientists to monitor and understand the complex behavior of the earth's systems.