Since the release of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on further strengthening urban planning and construction management, it quickly sparked a heated debate. Two views of management raises high concerns, which are China will no longer build closed residential area in principle and Residential quarters and units that have been built will compound to gradually open. The management has made architectural experts to study it carefully. The most famous expert for the research of ungated community is Christiande Portzamparc. He not only put forward the concept of an ungated community, but also put this idea into practice in his design, which creates a method of reinterpreting city streets and shaping the urban space. According to him, the urban district is full of urban vitality, pluralistic, and open. In China, the research of ungated community is affected by Chinese policy. There are two tendencies to study the ungated community. The first one is research about foreign ungated community theory, for instance, The Planing Concept of Open Block and Its Enlightenment on the Urban Residential Construction in China/ Yong YU, Zhitao Li. The other one is the analysis about the practice of ungated community, for example, Discussing open community based on the Aga Khan Award winnersAranya Community/Shanshan Wu,  Gangyi Tan. As there has been no research about exploring how


From ancient to modern times, the traditional mode of dwelling in mainland China is the quadrangle courtyard, which is the basic unit of the court-alley-street pattern. While time has developed, our family patterns and lifestyles have changed a lot. Quadrangle courtyard changed to multistorey residential, even high-rise buildings, and the courtyard walls changed to residential walls and railings. These changes are all based on the closed form of the residential quarters and happen inside the community, despite the various aspects of the Chinese communities have got huge progress in the last several decades.