Tripod foundations are potential alternative in offshore wind farms due to their good stability and overall stiffness in water depth ranging from 20 to 40 m (Herion, 2007). They have been successfully installed in Borkum West 2, Global Tech 1 (Fig. 2) (Madjid, 2014). Besides, the development of increasingly larger Offshore Wind Turbine


Renewable offshore wind energy becomes better option in order to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and increase its independence from fossil fuels producers in recent years. It has been expanding rapidly worldwide in the past five years, as shown in Fig. 1. According to statistical report studies from the Global Wind Energy Council, the global cumulative offshore wind energy capacity has stood at 12,107 MW, after 3,383 MW were added in 2015, a 101.6% increase over 2014 and the biggest yearly addition to capacity to date (GWEC, 2015). Installed capacity in offshore wind energy

(OWT) in deeper water highlights the trend of the future wind turbine technology, and foundation structures have become an important safety and cost factor of OWT technology.