Zhuhai Opera House is famous for its unique “shell” shape and is taken as a representative space steel structure. Process of construction is shown in Figure 1. Zhuhai Opera House is divided into two parts. One belongs to steel-concrete frame structure to meet the functional and the others are the steel structure for appearance (Xing Z et al. 2014). The structure is located on the island on the eastern part of Zhuhai City, which is surrounded by the ocean. There are two shells and they produce narrow wind outlet, which causes the wind effect more obviously (Wu D et al. 2015). Planar positional relationship is shown in Figure 2. Two shells directly expose under the sun and the mutual shadow between the two structures surface leads to non-uniform temperature field. So it is necessary to consider the structural responses caused by the temperature variations. The surface of structure is curved and there are 24 sensors, which provide stress and temperature measurements for simulating temperature and wind effects.