Research works have been conducted to estimate wind load acting on structures. Xia (1998) identified the equivalent drag coefficient and lift coefficient as well as the power spectral density functions


Wind load information is important for the analysis of wind-induced vibration and the design of high-rise structures. The wind load acting on structures is quite complex which depends on several factors, such as the terrain condition, topographic condition, surrounding environment and the shape of the structures, etc. Methods for simulating the wind load on structures can mainly be classified into two categories (Kareem 2008): (1) methods based on the summation of trigonometric functions; (2) methods based on convolution of white noise with a kernel function or integration of a differential equation driven by white noise. These simulation schemes can be adopted to analyze the wind-induced vibration of structures in which the parameters in the wind load model can either be selected according to the design code, e.g. the Chinese National Load Code (GB50009-2012), or determined from the wind tunnel test.