In total, a total of twelve CFRP RC beams were constructed for testing under static and impact loading. CFRP RC beams were 2400 mm long, 150 mm high and 100 mm. Beams were designed to be shear deficient and thus 4 mm steel stirrups were spaced evenly at 275 mm or 375 mm centres. Various bonding configurations were used: U shape configuration with single or double layer of CFRP sheets or fully bonded in a single layer. Controlled specimens with no CFRP external sheets were used to compare with the CFRP RC beams with external strengthening. In total, 5 RC beams were subjected to three point bending (static loading), while the remaining 7 were subjected to a 580 kg drop hammer apparatus at various heights. Table 1 reports


Engineering construction is constantly developing in the modern world. This has allowed new technologies to arise to better the performance and durability of engineered structures. In recent years, significant emphasis has been placed for the design of blast-resistant structures to improve the safety and decrease the risk of fatality, with the aim of developing a design standard for structures under extreme loading. Although extensive experimental and analytical research were conducted within the field of RC structures subjected to extreme loading, Bhatti et al. (2009) and Saatci et al. (2009) acknowledged that only a little amount of information is available on shear deficient beams under impact loading.