The European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) is an organisation of general practitioners / family physicians and other professionals involved in research in primary care in Europe. It is a major network in World Organization of Family Doctors Europe. There are 32 countries represented in the council, 273 individual and 33 institutional members with seven elected members on the executive board. The EGPRN office is located in the Department of Family Medicine, University of Maastricht. In the first 10 years, the main activity was systematic constructive criticism of research methods on research studies from individual members. Advanced statistical methodology, quantitative and qualitative research techniques also took place later. The meetings include oral sessions on a predetermined conference theme, as well as free-standing papers, 'one-slide / five-minutes' presentations and guided poster sessions. There are at least two keynote speakers invited by the board to each meeting to address the research on the specific conference theme.