ABSTRACT In recent years, as the age of infrastructure such as road bridges has progressed, maintenance and management have become major social issues in Japan.

Over time, preventive maintenance has followed the long-life repair plan based on periodic inspection (2007). However, financial resources for executing maintenance, as well as the number of technical experts engaged in public and private sectors, will likely decrease (2013).

Along with the rapid progress of ICT in recent years, the introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling)/CIM (Civil Information Modeling) is being promoted. MLIT is now promoting “i-Construction” (2016) in Japan.

The main application method is to shift the data format from conventional two-dimensional data to three-dimensional data, which will then be used to unitarily manage the design, construction, maintenance and investigation of bridges.

Specifically, “maintenance small bridge” development by the materials to be used and structural details that we devised avoids the fatal deterioration damage during the service period and minimize maintenance and management. The ultimate goal is to reduce the burden of future maintenance and management.

In this research, we devised a flow for “maintenance small bridge” development, and decided to outline the utilization of three-dimensional CIM data incorporating environmental conditions as a foothold. This paper describes the results of the study and future prospects.