Status epilepticus is a medical emergency due to the risk of permanent brain damage and should be approached using the 'ABCDE' method to ensure patient safety. Seizures can be frightening to witness, especially for family members, so a calm logical approach to diagnosis and treatment is important. Non-convulsive status epilepticus is also relevant to the ICU population. It is typically seen in patients with severely impaired mental status, for example following a traumatic brain injury and can be difficult to diagnose due to the lack of clinical signs. Seizures account for about a third of neurological presentations and 1% of Emergency Department attendances, and there is significant overall morbidity and mortality associated with status epilepticus. There are multiple causes for seizures, both acute and chronic. The airway may well be difficult to manage during generalised seizure activity so consider basic measures such as applying facemask oxygen and oral suctioning of secretions as able.