Pleural solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) are uncommon neoplasms that may present late, reaching large sizes. SFTs can be malignant and may be associated with paraneoplastic syndromes. Malignant solitary fibrous tumors (MSFTs) are very uncommon. We describe a rare case of a pleural malignant SFT (MSFTs), presenting with a paraneoplastic hypoglycemia as an initial symptom and normal levels of insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2.

Imaging and percutaneous cord- needle biopsy can provide initial diagnosis of an SFT. En-bloc surgical resection with clear margins is a mainstem of treatment. Tumors with malignant potential tend to recur and require long-term surveillance with imaging and repeated resection when feasible, as no reliable adjuvant therapy exists.