Thirteen of the women married the men and the remaining seven dated them exclusively for a period of time. While with the men, 18 of the women were physically abused and all were emotionally and sexually battered. Extrapolating from the behavior described by the women, it appears that the sexual sadists had developed an ability to identify a naive, passive, and vulnerable woman. The sexual sadists seemed able to assess the vulnerability and exploit it to manipulate these women toward interpersonal scenarios that would meet the men’s needs for dominance, control, and sadistic sexual behavior. The potential for lying or exaggerating can be minimized if the investigator thoroughly prepares for and remains alert to indications of excessive anger or hostility during the interview. The fifth and final step in the transformation process involved physical and psychological punishment. Having met, seduced, and transformed a normal woman into a sexually compliant and dependent individual, the sadist has validated his theory of women.