Since the early days of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)

contrast agents, it was clear that sensitivity would be the Achilles’

heel of these probes. The first series of compounds tested as

CEST agents, by Balaban et al., were small diamagnetic molecules

whose detection threshold was in the mM range. Obviously, the

low sensitivity in generating contrast reduced the clinical potential

of this novel class of diamagnetic agents. This is particularly true

in the era of molecular imaging whose applications require the

development of imaging reporters able to visualize very diluted

targets (in the nano/picomolar range). Therefore, in the last 15

years, much work in CEST area has addressed strategies to enhance

the detection sensitivity of these agents. The saturation transfer

efficiency depends on many parameters. Among them, the most

important and easiest to control are the number of equivalent

mobile protons to be irradiated and their exchange rate with

bulk water (kex). Thus, the sensitivity issue has been primarily faced with two approaches: (1) increasing kex, and (2) increasing the number of mobile protons per single molecule. As, for any

CEST agent, the condicio sine qua non is that the chemical shift separation between the exchanging protons has to be larger than

their exchange rate (ω > kex), it is evident that the task of increasing kex endlessly is not desirable. A strategy that has been pursued to improve the sensitivity via kex, by using paramagnetic molecules (paraCEST see Chapter 11) in virtue of their ability

to induce large ω values, has led to important achievements,

although the sensitivity enhancements of these molecules are still

far below the detection threshold imposed by molecular imaging

applications. Increasing the number of mobile protons per single

molecule has been pursued following different approaches: (1) use

of polyaminoacids or RNA-like polymers [1, 2]; (2) formation of

supramolecular adducts between paramagnetic shift reagents (SRs)

and diamagnetic substrates rich in mobile protons [3]; (3) design of

macromolecular/nanoparticulate scaffolds (polymers, dendrimers,

micelles, perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions, silica particles, virus

capsides) covalently conjugated with a large number of paraCEST

agents [4-9]; and (4) design of systems containing water protons

compartmentalized in phospholipid-based vesicles (lipoCEST and

cellCEST) [10, 11]. The latter approach allowed to reach the highest

sensitivity reported so far for CEST agents and will be the topic of

this chapter.