In order to obtain knowledge about hydrogen storage properties of material, thermodynamic measurements have to be done. There are a number of methods to determine pressure-composition-temperature (PCT) curves. One of them is a volumetric method that uses a Sievert-type apparatus. PCT curves are the usually received results from Sieverttype apparatus. It is important to correctly choose the measuring pressure to not miss important points on the curve of sorption and desorption. The Sievert-type apparatus is a device that measures a variation of gas pressure in a reaction chamber. Pressure changes correspond to the changes in hydrogen concentration in the tested material at a given temperature. Sievert-type apparatus can be used to perform different types of measurements which can provide different types of information. Sievert-type apparatus can be also used to test the kinetics of the hydrogenation process of a material. It can give information about the presence or absence of the absorption incubation time.