The integration of novel nanomaterials with highly functional

biological molecules has numerous advanced applications, includ-

ing optoelectronics, biosensing, imaging, and energy harvesting.

This review summarizes recent progress in understanding the

mechanisms of energy transfer between semiconductor nanocrystal

(so-called quantum dots [QDs]) and photosensitive proteins in

heterostructures, such as hybrids of semiconductor nanocrystals

with purple membranes containing bacteriorhodopsin (bR) or

with photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs). Understanding of these

mechanisms should enable prediction of the possible ways to

improve the biological function of biomolecules by means of their

assembling with QDs and develop novel functional materials with

controlled photonic properties and applications. The possible mech-

anisms of energy transfer from QDs to photochromic biomolecules

are discussed and correlated with experimental data. The princi-

ples of hybrid structures engineering, donor/acceptor parameters

affecting both energy transfer efficiency and biological function,

and functionality of these hybrid structures are described. New

nanobiohybrid materials are shown to have advanced implications

for optoelectronics, photonics, and photovoltaics due to the ability of

nanocomponents of these materials for efficient energy harvesting,

conversion, and transfer of additional energy to Biosystems, thus

making them working more efficiently.