This chapter provides a self-contained introduction to pump-probe

(PP′) spectroscopy of molecular systems from the perspective of the quantum process matrix χ , a formalism that is used to describe

open quantum systems. In doing so, we first present the theory of

PP′ spectroscopy using an intuitive time-dependent approach based on wave packet methods. The theory is accompanied by explicit

analytical calculations using model molecular dimer systems. This

paves the way to the derivation of the central result of this Chapter,

namely, that a frequency-integrated broadband PP′ spectra may be re-expressed as a linear combination of elements associated with

the light-matter interaction (e.g., dipole matrix elements) and the

process matrix χ describing excited-state system dynamics. We thus

offer experimental access to this theoretical formalism. This work

serves as a starting point for the reader to understand ultrafast laser

experiments in molecular systems and to gain a novel perspective of

nonlinear spectroscopy based on quantum information theory.