Laser phototherapy has the potential to dramatically improve the

clinical outcome in many cases of radiculopathy. The laser therapy

device can be utilized as a singular therapy or in combination with

other therapies and procedures for the treatment of radiculopathy.

Clinicians with proficiency in laser therapy consider it to be an

indispensable modality. Outside of this group of practitioners, many

physicians and healthcare professionals have been slow to recognize

the benefits of laser therapy for the treatment of musculoskeletal

disorders. The scientific literature based on double-blinded studies

utilizing laser therapy for radiculopathy is sparse, yet positive [1-

3]. There are many well-designed animal studies of nerve repair and

regeneration that statistically support the use of therapeutic laser as

a capable technology for promoting neurological recovery [4-7]. The

mechanism of positive therapeutic action from laser irradiation for

the treatment of radiculopathy has not been thoroughly explained

in research to date. Thus far, the mechanisms of action have been

largely extrapolated from cellular and animal studies.