238 Aloe vera is a perennial succulent plant, each and every component of which has its own individual and established beneficial properties. It is used as laxative to immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory agent, anti-septic, moisturizer, anti-ageing, wound healing and as anti-oxidant. In recent years, many studies have indicated the role of A. vera in treating arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, which is the most common disease among elderly people. Nine out of 10 aged person have complains about joint pain, swelling, stiffness of joint, and lack of movement which are the common symptoms of osteoarthritis. A. vera can be considered as a potential thera peutic agent in treatment of osteoarthritis. A. vera can activate a series of factors essential in cartilage tissue repair, collagen synthesis, and anti- inflammation. A. vera not only contributes in treating the disease but is also easily available and costeffective.