This chapter reports the results of a study on Plectranthus species response to salinity stress caused by the saline irrigation water. The Plectranthus species are perennial, aromatic with sheath like stems and belongs to Lamieaceae family commonly found in tropical-to-subtropical climatic conditions. The chapter also reports the role of salinity stress on the growth and biomass production of different Plectranthus species as well as on their salinity stress adaptations mechanisms. Soil salinization influenced the potassium levels to considerable extent, reducing its presence in the soil. It might be due to sodium ions blocking the potassium preventing it from reaching the plant. Water uptake efficiency increased with increasing salinity indicating the adaptability of Plectranthus species to acclimatize at higher salinity stress levels. As anticipated, Plectranthus species have shown negative effect on its growth and biomass with increasing salinity stress.