The last decade has witnessed a rapid development in solar energy as an alternative to fossil-fuel based energy. Solar power plants with increasing size and efficiency have been built. With an increased stake in the investment and return, site selection and assessments of long-term sustainability for solar power plants become increasingly important. One of the factors that affect the long-term planning for solar energy is the local climatology. Long hours of sunshine at a location are essential for a viable solar

power plant. The available solar energy at a given site is quantified by the downward solar (shortwave) radiation at the surface. At a given latitude and day of the year, this quantity is affected by atmospheric water vapor and trace gases, the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere, and, most importantly, cloud cover (e.g., Li et al. [1]). Considering those factors, climatological maps of downward solar radiation have been widely produced for solar energy applications (e.g., National Renewable Energy Laboratory, https://www.nrel.gov/gis/solar.html, Maxwell et al. [2], and George and Maxwell [3]). Since climate is constantly changing due to anthropogenic and natural processes, the estimates of solar power potential based on present-day climatology are not guaranteed to be true in the future. In this study, we will analyze the projection of the changes in the downward solar radiation in the 21st century over North America using a set of climate model simulations driven by anthropogenic greenhouse-gas (GHG) forcing from the Climate Model Intercomparison Project-Phase 3 (CMIP3) archive (Meehl et al. [4]). The global climate models have relatively coarse horizontal resolutions but are capable of producing the first-order features of atmospheric general circulation. Over North America, GHG-induced changes in the large-scale circulation are known to produce future drying in the Southwest USA and a poleward shift of storm tracks over Western USA (e.g., Seager et al. [5] and Baker and Huang [6]). These changes potentially imply more sunshine in the Southwest USA but reduced sunshine in the higher latitudes in Western USA due to increased cloudiness associated with storms. We will quantify the extent to which these changes in atmospheric processes affect the downward solar radiation at the surface, as directly calculated by the climate models using their physical parameterization schemes.