The continued existence of any species depends on the survival of the fittest and nature has it’s own “weeding out” process to ensure it. So it is for humans. Not so long ago, it was common for women to die in childbirth and for premature and severely disabled babies only to survived if they could do so on their own. However, natural selection is not acceptable in modern-day thinking and it is life at all costs if the baby is wanted and abortion when the child is unwanted.

Adding to this disharmony with nature, women are having babies when they want to have them and not when nature determines they should have them. Modern science has a solution for all reproductive issues, infertile women can get pregnant at almost any age and infertile men can be treated. The laws of nature are not obeyed resulting in a weakening of the human race and overpopulation.

Birth and death are naturally occurring life events. All over the world healthy babies are being born without help from doctors, nurses or medical assistance…it is a natural process. It is not suggested that humanity go back to the days before medical advancements, but to use modern technology to support natural processes rather than creating the imbalances that we see today.

Ayurveda “The Science of Life” works in harmony with nature which is why it is fundamentally important in all issues related to human reproduction including birth control overpopulation, the use of hormones, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, care of newborns and unwanted children. Of course, modern-day technology and scientific developments in these areas are necessary, but only as supportive measures for the natural process and emergency care. When allopathy is the only option, then childbirth becomes medicalized which is not only prohibitively expensive, but over time, women are at risk of losing their natural instincts and control of their reproductive right.