With the present increase in the emission of greenhouse gases, the average global temperature is predicted to increase by 4°C by the end of this century (Betts and Hawkins 2014). In the Arctic region, the rise could be higher than the global average and winter temperatures may increase more than summer temperatures (Christensen et al. 2007). Precipitation is predicted to rise by 10%-20% in the region (Tebaldi et al. 2011), in particular because of greater rainfall in autumn and winter. The changes will lead to a declining snow cover, which is expected to decrease by 20% by the end of this century, with storms likely to be more frequent, resulting in serious river flows and flooding (Hassol 2004). The expected changes will have a serious impact on food production globally and regionally. For the Arctic region, there are opportunities with regard to growing new crops or cultivars with a higher yield potential because of a longer growing season. However, challenging these opportunities are the negative effects of extreme weather with rapid fluctuations in temperature and reduced 14snow cover, increased winter damage, and risk of new pests and diseases as likely consequences. Arctic agriculture needs to be prepared for the climate of the future and plant breeding should be a component of such preparations. Omics technologies add a powerful tool to the analysis of genetic diversity and the identification of genetic resources that may come to play a role in adapting crops for climate change. The question is whether sufficient infrastructure and expertise are available locally to bring such knowledge into practical application. The structure in plant breeding enterprises has changed considerably in recent years, both in the Nordic region and globally. If the consolidation and centralization process continues, important crops can be left without breeding programs. Especially in the periphery (like our region), there is a risk that there will be no remaining recipients in a position to transform advanced knowledge into tangible benefits. We propose that climate change requires new ways of interaction, and the inclusion of lay expertise and farmer communities are especially relevant in this context. First, this contribution provides an overview of today’s picture of agriculture and plant breeding in the Arctic region. Second, it presents results from a survey that focused on plant breeding and farmers’ access to plant cultivars Finally, it presents a discussion on how we can move forward by better understanding the importance of adaptation of crops to future climates, and how our acquired knowledge can be linked to local initiatives and communities. This is relevant for crop adaptation not only for the Arctic and Nordic regions but also for other marginal regions of the world.